Saving Money

Saving money requires eliminating unnecessary spending and thinking of new ways (legal of course :)) to earn money.

Start Your Own Part-Time
Business From Home
If you want to start a business, you don't have to invest much money to make money. Sometimes you can start a business with next to nothing. Jacob and Susan D'Aniello's pooper scooper business is now a multi-million dollar franchise called DoodyCalls. But in the beginning, it was just them, a bag and a shovel. You might also consider hiring yourself out as a dog walker, errand runner, driver or computer consultant.

An acquaintance didn't like the way his website looked and the guy he hired to do it would never do what he asked. So, he took a course on Dreamweaver and built his own website. Other people saw it and liked it and hired him to do set up their websites and maintain them. He now maintains 16 websites a month at $1,000 for each one. 16x$1,000 a month=$16,000 a month.

Other jobs:

Cleaning drives with a pickup truck and blade - $20-$50 a drive and/or sidewalk
Mowing grass - $20-$50 a lawn
Errands - earnings vary
Selling homemade pies, cakes, cookies, cupcakes to local restaurants
Pet groomer
Pet walker
House sitter

guest blogging
Associated Content
Constant Content -- pays $20 per article

Crafts at craft shows

Selling Services