Monday, March 7, 2011

Eastern Culture/Western Culture

Why is it that so many people in the USA automatically assume that western culture is superior to eastern culture?

Admittedly, in some ways it is. But, not when it comes to health.

People in eastern countries have known for centuries that herbs and spices will keep them healthy. People in the USA have been slow to adapt to that fact--instead relying heavily on pharmaceutical drugs, after the damage has already been done to their bodies. These drugs are very powerful, and often address only the symptoms--not the root cause of the disease. Thus, the disease continues to progress.
As often happens--actually almost always happens, my husband played a Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Movie tonight with leprechauns in it.

I had just mentioned to him yesterday about St. Patrick trying to turn people away from such beliefs.

I think he likes to TRY and play with my head. Sadistic?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Oddity

Did you know that St. Patrick's day is in honor of the death of a Catholic bishop?

One of the missions of St. Patrick was to turn the people of Ireland away from the Druids and other pagan practices.

It seems odd that the day of his death is now honored with leprechauns, and other fables.